Upcoming Events

Rendezvous Plus

24-28 July 2024 in Washington state, USA

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29 December 2024 – 4 January 2025 hosted by Asia Pacific for all regions


Amanda Johnson

"Rendezvous Plus was, for me, a life changer. The weekend that we spent at Golden Bell Camp changed me so much, and gave me such a different perspective on life around me; where I had once felt that I was completely alone in my struggles and feelings of loneliness, a new feeling of community and understanding began to grow. I was able to create new friendships, and further develop those that I had already established.

Before I went to Rendezvous Plus, I had felt very distant from God, and I felt as if my prayers weren't going past the ceiling. After Rendezvous Plus, however, I felt that God was close to me, and was once again directing me in the way that I should be going. I believe that this is in part because of what Rendezvous Plus taught me about the grieving process that we as MKs must go through when it is our time to leave the country and culture that we have made our own. It taught me not to find my identity in people and places, but in Christ, for people and places will leave us, but God is with us forever. Rendezvous Plus changed me, and I am so thankful for the leaders who loved each and everyone of us and cared so much for our personal and spiritual lives. My only regret is that Rendezvous comes only once a year, but I know that I have a new community who will be there in prayer until I see them again."

Amanda Johnson, Rendezvous Plus 2014